I’ve been playing guitar for over 16 years now, I have a diverse background in classical, fingerstyle guitar, folk and americana music. I majored in classical guitar at UNC Asheville and currently live in Asheville NC. While studying guitar in college I learned many Spanish classical pieces, some latin American, renaissance and many modern composers. Some examples of those composers are: Tarrega, Semenzato, Mertz, Carulli, Logy, Brian Katz, Mozart, and Bach. I have been playing weddings, birthday parties, dinner parties, and restaurant gigs almost as long as I’ve been playing guitar. My repetoire has grown and grown into the modern era in recent years, feel free to contact me for more samples and a complete list. I am also a singer-songwriter and play and sing folk, Americana and rock music. I have also been a worship leader in a church and can lead congregational singing.